The Cresson Sanatorium and Prison, Part One | Grave Talks CLASSIC

Apr 29, 10:00 AM

This is a Grave Talks CLASSIC EPISODE!

In 1900, there were 34 sanatoriums in the United States. By 1925 there were 536. The Cresson Sanatorium was one of the earlier sanatoriums at a time of heightened health concerns and the spread of tuberculosis. The Cresson Sanatorium is located in the mountains near the present-day town of Cresson, Pennsylvania.

Over the years, it served as a tuberculosis hospital, a mental hospital, and a state prison. And, some people who were there at one time never left. The complex is haunted by spirits from each of its different lives.

On this episode of The Grave Talks, we talk about the Cresson Sanatorium and Prison with Lindsey Rogers, one of the lead paranormal investigators conducting public overnight investigations.

Get more information about the Cresson Sanatorium and Prison at their Facebook page
or their website,

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