The show begins in Taiwan, awaiting the inauguration of President-Elect Lai on Saturday. Then to Shanghai, where there have been no IPOs in 3 years. Next, to Montana. Then to Buenos Aires, with some good news. On to Peru, where there is trouble with the P

May 16, 01:40 AM

The show begins in Taiwan, awaiting the inauguration of President-Elect Lai on Saturday. Then to Shanghai, where there have been no IPOs in 3 years.

Next, to Montana.

Then to Buenos Aires, with some good news. On to Peru, where there is trouble with the PRC (People's Republic of China).

In North America, the focus is on the search for Avian Flu jumping to mammals.

Moving to Cape Canaveral and the south pole of the Moon.

Then to France, followed by Moscow.

Finally, we arrive at the Cambrian Explosion.

1875 Louisiana