Modern Love (Anthology TV Series): Take Me as I Am, Whoever I Am Part 2

Episode 23,   May 18, 11:00 AM

In part two of our Modern Love episodes, we will be discussing an episode entitled, Take Me as I Am, Whoever I Am, from season one of Modern Love (Anthology TV Series) directed and produced by John Carney. Here’s a brief summary of the book courtesy of the producers: "An unlikely friendship. A lost love resurfaced. A marriage at its turning point. A date that might not have been a date. An unconventional new family. These are unique stories about the joys and tribulations of love, each inspired by a real-life personal essay from the beloved New York Times column "Modern Love." It is directed by John Carney, Sharon Hogan, Emmy Rossum, and Tom Hall."

This week's "Musings of Tired Black Social Worker" segment topic is: What song can be used to depict your happy mood or your down mood?

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