I kissed 😘 💋 a Superhero 🦸‍♂️ ...but then This Happened 😩 | 🎙

Season 8, Episode 22,   Oct 07, 2023, 03:50 AM

Hi! My name is Carey and today I Want to Share my Story with you. I’m 18 years old. What makes me special? Mm, maybe the fact that I met Spider-Man? Oh, don’t tell me he doesn’t exist! I wouldn’t have believed it myself. Let me tell you everything in order!

I live in a nice apartment in a prestigious area. No, I'm not a gold digger... It's just my Dad’s apartment. He runs a rental business, so he has a lot of them. One day, I was getting out of the shower as usual, singing a song that was stuck in my head. When I passed the window, I thought I heard someone knocking on the glass. I shrugged it off - that was impossible! I live on the fifteenth floor! But the knocking continued. I got goosebumps. I slowly turned around...and I realized that there really was someone there!

This podcast episode shoutout goes to Ellen✨ thanks for listening to My Daily Story 🌹if you want your name to be the next episode shoutout.... all you have to do is being the first person to rate and review this podcast

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