The Power of Cacao with Liam Browne

Episode 286,   May 17, 11:30 AM

Janey shares some info on events - Family Constellations and upcoming training to be a Sober Coach, and chats to Liam Browne about the power of cacao

Ever tried ceremonial cacao?
Janey chats to Liam Browne from Full Power Cacao. Liam’s mission is to propel people towards Self-realisation and Enlightenment via his alchemy of the Yogic path and the sacred plant medicine Cacao.  His greatest gift of all is his connection to Cacao and the impact his Cacao Ceremonies have on the people who attend. He has been holding his epic Cacao Ceremonies since 2012 after meeting the Chocolate Shaman (Keith) in Guatemala. Each year Liam’s Ceremonies get more powerful, more expansive and impact more people. 

After an appearance on Dragons Den last year,  Liam Browne has been instrumental in raising the profile of Ceremonial Grade Cacao in the UK and the magical benefits it possesses. Liam has never been scared of looking at his past scares and traumas which can be read about in his book ‘DEALER TO HEALER’. 
Check it out

Don't forget Janey's events including Family Constellations Sun 16 June, and Tues 2nd July our special meet up with Clare Pooley at Club Soda 

Always reach out if you're struggling, follow Janey on social media @janeyleegrace