Farced Perspective
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A podcast looking back at comedies on key anniversaries to ask: what was innovative material then, what continues to be successful now, and what have people thought about it along the way?

Farced Perspective

The Python Perspective
Film Reviews
77 episodes / 4.17K listens
Farced Perspective
  1. Farced Perspective, 7 July 1971: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
  2. Farced Perspective, 19 February 1971: Cold Turkey
  3. Farced Perspective, 9 February 1971: Little Murders
  4. Farced Perspective, 24 December 1970: The Aristocats
The Henson Perspective, Season 1
  1. Henson Perspective: Guest-starring Juliet Prowse
  2. Henson Perspective: Guest-starring Avery Schreiber
  3. Henson Perspective: Guest-starring The Mummenschanz
  4. Henson Perspective: Guest-starring Kaye Ballard
The Python Perspective
  1. Python Perspective, Episode 1975: Rutland Weekend Television
  2. Python Perspective, Episode 18: Live from the Grill-O-Mat
  3. Python Perspective, Episode 17: The Buzz Aldrin Show
  4. Python Perspective, Episode 16: Déja Vu