0226 Exploding Watermelons

Jul 10, 2012, 02:50 PM

Explosions are nothing new here in China. The Chinese did, after all, invent gunpowder. But exploding watermelons? I kid you not. Recently, watermelons in Jiangsu province just began exploding. The cause was traced back to an overuse of a fast growth chemical which farmers applied in an attempt to get more melons to market more quickly. Alas, they added too much too late and the plan back-fired when fields of the fruit just blew up one after another, acre by acre. Watermelon is a staple food in China. It’s served at breakfast, lunch and dinner. No meal is complete without a plateful of juicy red triangles. As you can see, watermelons have always been a booming market in China…just not a ka-booming one. #ceas #china #hacker #peterson