Scraponomics Episode 89: ScrapFest 2015 Is Here and You Need to See It

Jul 16, 2015, 01:26 PM

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“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.” — Aldous Huxley, English writer and philosopher

Get ready. ScrapFest is this weekend! We can’t believe how much the event has grown, and we look forward to watching that growth continue.

It’s hard to believe that seven years ago, David Such from Such Video came to my dad with the idea of creating a scrap art festival, and wanted to know if Friedland would be willing to host it. My dad agreed to do it right then and there, and here we are. Today, ScrapFest is a standalone event and embraced by the community.

For us, the significance of ScrapFest goes much deeper. It gives us another chance to educate the public on the importance of scrap and its role in society. Whether scrap is re-melted into new products, or up-cycled into artwork, both avenues function beautifully with the economy and the environment.

In Scraponomics, we frequently touch on how the scrap industry (and recycling in general, for that matter) is often misunderstood. When you think of scrapyard, sometimes you can’t help but think of an episode of Breaking Bad, where the local scrapyard is somehow the perfect location for a drug deal. Far from the truth. Of course, we’re not the only profession that has been on the receiving end of negative perception, but rather than sit and take it, we resolve to being proactive in telling our own story.

ScrapFest, in many ways, does exactly that. It reveals the often overlooked importance of scrap to civilization. To scrap is to recycle. To scrap is to reuse. To scrap is to up-cycle. To scrap is to see the potential and beauty in everything around us.

Stop by Old Town, Lansing this weekend, and you’ll understand exactly what I mean.

#Scraponomics #ScrapFest2015 #ILoveOldTown #OldTownLansing #LoveLansing #RecycleLansing #UpCycleLansing #Economics #ScrapRecycling #Recycling #Recycle #ScrapProcessing #CommodityProcessing #MetalArt #ScrapMetalArt #Art #Sculptures #Welding #MetalFabrication #FriedlandIndustries #BeGreenGetGreen #OTCA #OldTownCommercialAssociation #ScrapFestIsHere