S2E9: Professionally Speaking with Maria Franzoni

Season 2, Episode 9,   Jul 21, 2020, 02:40 PM

Maria Franzoni started her career in management consultancy where she developed senior level negotiation skills. She then answered a cryptic job advert and started to work for a speaker bureau. She now runs her own speaker bureau, Maria Franzoni Ltd. with over 4000 speakers, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Elle MacPherson and Malala. Two years ago, she set up the Speaking Business Academy where she trains speakers to take their speaking to the next level and she hosts the Speaking Business Podcast

We discussed why there are more men than women on the speaker circuit, the misogyny that Maria faced in her early career and how she dealt with it and how to speak with impact. 

You can find out more about Maria’s Speaker Bureau here, her academy here and listen to her podcast here.

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Producer: Florence Bavanandan