Monday Morning Minute with Fiona Kearns Looking Back

Mar 31, 2013, 08:13 PM

Welcome to the Monday Morning Minute with Fiona Kearns

Looking Back

Looking back is supposed to be one of those things you shouldn’t do. Why is that? Is it because of regrets or that you’re not living in the now or some other reason? So it probably isn’t a good idea to live in the past but I think it’s very useful to look back when it’s to see how far you’ve come. You can spend time comparing yourself with other which can be deflating but when you compare yourself now to an older version of you, you can give yourself a real confidence boost.

This is Fiona Kearns happy to look back to see how far I’ve come!

#Progress # confidence #useful #sme #start #fionafkearns #mmm

Adept Communication is led by Fiona Kearns and is focused on maximising your confidence and communication skills. Adept Communication offer monthly boost clinics where you can have a dedicated session to focus on you so you can give and receive the best from life. Book your session by email