Don't Leave without my last memory of you.Don't leave me NOW..Please Stay Strong my Zebra Angel that can hide in the Tardis in my Dream....

Jun 16, 2013, 03:51 PM

I dont need our Love of being soul infused with H20 what if we run out eventually of everything except LOVE. If other Scream for help&one of passes out&out of no where that we don't need to wait for another Disaster. All the Voicemail twins that should not feel Chronic People more Hemorages out if the blue. Relax unwind tell me why this happening it should be me not you You. I've been thru too many time People don't slip away wake up if u can hear me or this super scream as I collapse to the crying as my world fell on me taking away far far away never land doesn't exist but the Alice in Wonderland please sweet dear angel waking on Earth is you leave I'm on my way out to go out I don't want to hear you are in shock or having seizures no not you too. This can't be True wake me up Now I'm Drifting now. No no stay my Lovely beautiful Role Model. Not Tyra /Yoko Ono/The Jessicaz with a Ziz ahhh Zag Ahhhhhh/ Superman where are you Green Lantern all the Super Hero on Vacay except the X2(1+3=4)* 6 = 24 % = Xyz variables now Whats this.