1564 Flight Run Across The Falklands to help Fraja Ellie Appeal

Jul 19, 2013, 02:36 PM

Penguin News publicity:

AN RAF team will begin an attempt to run 235km across the Falklands in five days to raise funds for a five-year-old girl battling a rare cancer.

Survival equipment specialist and Iraq veteran Corporal Joe Broadbent said he was delighted to be able to ensure efforts to lower Leeming RAF Community Primary School pupil Fraja Simpson’s chances of suffering a relapse of neuroblastoma now stretched from Stanley, in the Falklands to Stanley, County Durham.

Cpl Broadbent said he had been inspired to try to become the first to run across the Falklands after his wife, Jenna, had joined a group of women at the base having their heads shaved in March for the Fraja Ellie Appeal.

He said the RAF Mount Pleasant base had adopted the £500,000 appeal and the team had already been sponsored £4,500 for the run.

Cpl Broadbent, and his team will be running 50km a day in Falklands winter conditions. He said he had been training twice daily on the Islands’ testing mountainous terrain and that his experiences with RAF Leeming’s mountain rescue team would help him, “battle through the tough times.”

During the challenge the runners will stay overnight at settlements and a helicopter will transport them from the east to West Falklands. Almost £80,000 has been raised for the fund since March.

For details of how to donate, visit: www.facebook.com/FrajaEllieAppeal #FrajaEllieAppeal #BFBS #Falklands