Radio Planète (Benin) - Entretien avec Alain Tossounon: "La communauté internationale a choisi de tirer la sonnette d'alarme en parlant de la Journée mondiale des toilettes"

Dec 13, 2013, 10:38 AM

Alain Tossounon, WASH Journalist Network Coordinator in Benin, spoke to Makeba Tchibozo of the local Beninese radio channel Radio Planète about the significant role World Toilet Day plays in raising general awareness among societies in developed countries, which, according to him have "rang the alarm bells by starting to talk about World Toilet Day" and throwing light on the risks and indignity local African communities have to face on an everyday basis due to a lack of adequate sanitation. The interview was recorded on the 19th of November 2013.

To find out more about Alain Tossounon's work as an active WASH journalist in Benin, visit the West Africa WASH Journalist Network blog on Wordpress: