Could Doctor Who's Peter Capaldi Quit In 2014? The PodKast Decides!

Feb 27, 2014, 10:37 PM

In this week's podKast (with a "K") Christian Cawley and James McLean guide you through the latest big stories in the Doctor Who world. We discuss Peter Capaldi's jumper - costume or warmth aid? - and also ask whether or not the rumours concerning his planned single year in the role are anything more than ill-advised conjecture. As we recorded the podKast, Samuel Anderson's casting as Danny Pink was announced, so listen out for a bit of discussion on that.

We also turn our attention to the increasing noise concerning the omnirumour, specifically whether or not missing serial Marco Polo has been found, and Matt Smith recently recorded an awesome video for a poorly child.

What a guy!

Oh, and we also try to work out what is wrong with The Horns of Nimon. Someone has to.