Science is Everywhere Episode 8- The Science of Nature

Apr 07, 2014, 09:19 AM

In the eighth and final episode of Science is Everywhere, Dr Lara Dungan asks; are the days of bees numbered? Is colony collapse a reality? And what does it mean for us humans? Lara visits Ireland's largest commercial beekeeper Micheal Moynihan and gets up close with the extraction of honey. Dr. Anke Dietzsch speaks to Lara about the decline of bees and if pesticides are the reason behind it. Lara also chats with leading scientist Prof. Luke O'Neill about the impact it has put on us and finds out if the rise in hayfever and asthma is related to the decline of the bee. Science is Everywhere is an Athena Media production for Newstalk 106-108fm made with the support of the BAI. The producer is Helen Shaw, the audio editor is Amy Millar. Science is Everywhere is copyright Athena Media Ltd. No reproduction or use without consent.