International Success for Doctor Who Stars & Missing Episodes In The PodKast

May 13, 2014, 09:25 PM

Brian Terranova rejoins the podKast this week with Christian Cawley and James McLean, ready to throw his thoughts into the ring on a number of topics, from David Tennant's US accent to how much healthier Matt Smith is looking since he quit #DoctorWho.

Throw in some now-obligatory missing episodes talk, Brian's awesome TARDIS key collection and mention of his nemesis Paul McGann's Cat (a commenter in these parts) and you'll soon wonder how James and Christian ever manage to get to the end of a show when he isn't around.

Indeed, it's enough to make you wish that Brian Terranova lived here in the UK. But if he did, we'd have to change the time we do the podKast.

So, press play and enjoy!