CIPS: Living and Dying Well 1 – Robert Preston

Jan 26, 2015, 10:44 AM

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland and Union Theological College held their third joint conference under the theme ‘Church in the Public Square’ on Thursday, 22nd January 2015.

The aim of the conference was to bring together a number of leading thinkers in the UK to consider the role that Christians and the Church can play in wider community life. The theme for the event was 'Living and Dying Well', addressing the ethical, pastoral and legal issues surrounding attempts to legislate in favour of assisted suicide.

Robert Preston, Director of the think-tank, Living and Dying Well, which works to examine the objective evidence surrounding the controversial end-of-life debate and publishes research to help inform Parliament and the public, spoke on 'The Assisted Dying Debate: An Overview' where he gave an overview of the subject, linking the various strands together to show how they interact with each other.