Scraponomics Episode 73 - Your Toolshed

Mar 26, 2015, 01:17 PM

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” — Hans Hofmann, German-born American Painter

This month, Scraponomics has been about giving you tips on how to prepare for spring cleaning. Since we left off in your backyard last week, let’s stay outside and take a look at your toolshed.

Tools, lawnmowers, ladders, and bandsaws. Let's discuss!

#Scraponomics #Recycling #Economics #ScrapProcessing #ScrapRecycling #CommodityProcessing #SpringCleaning #Toolshed #CleaningOutYourToolshed #Simplify #FriedlandIndustries #BeGreenGetGreen #RecycleLansing #LoveLansing