I Have Always Wanted to Sing Like This! Why Can't I? :-P Can I Voice-Nap This Voice Please? :-)

May 17, 2015, 08:46 PM

Here's another Boo for the classical music fans among you. This is an example of my ideal voice type. I knew about this soprano ages ago thanks to @spider_lady , but my recent purchase of an album on which the lady in question takes part (that being Blessing by Catrin Finch and John Rutter) re-enforced my love of this particular style of singing. This lady's voice is even purer than Emma Kirkby's, and she's Welsh to boot! How can you beat that? ;-) For anyone who would care to know, this is Elin Manahan Thomas singing a Welsh lovesong. I can provide an English translation if anyone would like one. It actually ought to be sung by a man because it's meant for a woman, but stil, it's Elin! I can't complain. :-) #classical #music #Welsh