The mile high club, transform your sex life, modern divorce, our children as parents, and high end art!

Apr 24, 2015, 09:17 PM

Mile High Club - Erica Jong is the author of Fear of Flying, which caused a national sensation and launched a new way of thinking about gender, sexuality, and personal freedom. Erica gives the scoop on her landmark novel, what she thinks about feminism today, and if romance and dating have become quaint relics of the past.

Transform Your Sex Life - These days it's seems as if every other commercial is touting some kind of treatment for our dismal sex lives. Whether it's low libido, painful sex, or being able to be "ready" whenever the mood strikes (Yes! Even in the bathtub) there's a prescription for what sexually "ails" you. Emily Nagoski, a sex educator and author of "Come as You Are: The Surprising Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life," offers a refreshing take on this most important subject and joins us to chat about women's sexuality, and why....despite the hype.....we're all a pretty normal bunch. WHEW!

The Modern Divorce - There are all kinds of ceremonies marking life events - be it marriage, graduation, baptisms and bar mitzvahs, when we turn a certain age, and when we die. New York Times journalist Abby Ellin has written a much shared article titled, Untying the Knot, and Bonds, of Marriage, which is about this growing trend and some unusual ways that couples are choosing to mark the end of their unions.

Our Children as Parents - Rumor has it that being a grandparent is one of the most wonderful of life experiences. With all the pleasures that grandchildren can bring, there are also the challenges of adjusting to the new roles our children have taken on, and how we fit into the mold and strengthen our relationships along the way. Dr. Ruth Nemzoff is a Resident Scholar at Brandeis University, author of Don't Roll Your Eyes, and she provides her expert advice on parenting adult children and family dynamics.

Art for the Ages! - Have you ever dreamed of hanging a da Vinci, van Gogh, or a Renoir in your living room? High end art is no longer just for the rich and famous! Sheldon Laube, CEO of Art Kick reveals a new app that brings billions of dollars of fine art to your home for just a few cents!

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