How I Made $10,000 on P2P Investing

Dec 22, 2015, 05:30 PM

" This one was one of my favorite posts and had some great ideas on how to invest in peer loans. It was an interview with a p2p investor that had been investing in peer lending longer than anyone else I know. Jeff got started in peer loan investing in 2005. Returns were not very good over the first few years leading up to the financial crisis but have been excellent ever since. That's because the p2p investing sites like Lending Club have increased their loan standards and are looking at borrowers more closely.

The post goes over Jeff's strategy for investing in peer loans including the criteria he looks for in choosing p2p loans. His investment in peer loans has made a profit of $10,000 from 2009 with annual returns of almost 12% over six years. That's pretty good for an investment that you don't have to follow every day and that is diversified across hundreds of borrowers.

Jeff also talks about how p2p investing has changed over the years and where it is going in the future. It's a great post to get started in peer loan investing or to just pick up a few ideas on how to make money investing." #p2pinvesting #peerlendinginvesting #investingpeerloans #peerinvesting #crowdfundinginvesting