a song which aptly describes my feelings about my new computer, and to which poor @erinnpwns can probably relate: the Gates by Da Vinci's Notebook

Jun 06, 2016, 04:42 PM

I've loved this song for years, but now it's even more meaningful for me. ;-) Of course, I don't personally have any sort of vendetta against Mr. Gates--he has no control over any hardware problems that might occur on people's computers, and really very little control over software issues now--and I don't actually intend to throw my own computer off a roof. I know that wouldn't solve anything. :-) But this song sure does make me feel better! It's actually a parody of the Fox by Nickel Creek. I can post that as well if anyone's interested. #computers #DaVinci'sNotebook #music #parodies #songs #technology