#085 - 3 essential ingredients for going viral with your book, brand, or business

Sep 12, 2016, 09:50 AM

Are you ready for viral?

If you've been around the Internet for more that a few days then you know going viral is a good thing. Let me qualify that last statement. If you have a book, brand, or business, then going viral is a VERY good thing.

Virality increases your influence, impact, and income by gathering attention and engagement around your message.

While most people would love to go viral, unfortunately, these same people have no clue HOW to go viral. Although engineering a video, website, or book to go viral is nearly impossible, there are 3 ingredients that make this phenomenon much more likely.

Do you know the ingredients?

Going viral is a result three essential ingredients:


When it comes to viral, which comes first content or community? Great question. Sometimes, it's community (like in the case of 21 Pilots). They have a cult following and so when they drop a new video it gets millions of views automatically.


Other times it's content (like in the case of the chewbacca mom). She was relatively a no-name before her video hit the mainstream. Her video was so unique and valuable (entertainment quality) that it went viral quickly.


Virality centers around conversation. Comments, opinions, and dialogue propels books, brands, and businesses further. When apple announced it's new products recently, conversation happened immediately. Even spoofs about the announcement went viral, fueling the conversation even further.

Going viral requires 3 essential ingredients: dynamic content, community, and conversation.

In episode 85, I unpack these 3 essential ingredients. I also give you a proven example you can use to replicate for your own book, brand, or business.

Want to Sample the Ingredients?

With my new book ELIXIR Project, I wanted to "cook up" something amazing. As a result we decided to serialize the novel up until the launch.

If you want to see these three ingredients in real time, you can check out the:

(1) Community =

It's called ELIXIR Project VIP Launch Experience.


(2) Content =

We release a new chapter every week on Sneak Peek Sunday. Here's chapter two.


(3) Conversation =

Each chapter includes a facebook thread where readers can weigh in with their thoughts, comments, and guesses (since this book is a conspiracy).


Out of my 6 traditionally published books, 3 ghostwritten books, and hundreds of other writing projects, ELIXIR Project seems to be the perfect mix of all 3 ingredients. (We'll see how this all shakes out on December 6th, launch day.)

In the meantime, enjoy your FREE sample. And feel free to use this strategy for your own book, brand, or business.