How to Get Rid of Pimple in Nose

Sep 18, 2016, 10:14 AM

Clear pimple in nose is long and the work is not easy because of pimples on the nose is usually very stubborn and long to erupt. Based on experience, jerwat on the nose painful and stubborn, take over a week to recover, isolate you from family and friends with sebintik bad pimple, large tarnish your beauty. Scratching, poking, or pinch pimple will only make it worse and worse, something that we can determine, do pointless.

For those who experience it, we've compiled some quick treatment to resolve your problem in the face of pimple that stick in your nose! More wise again, the techniques will work as a single pimple treatment and should not be used for a comprehensive pimple problem if you do not want to experience dry skin, numbness, itching, and irritation.

Some ways to get rid of pimples on the nose

Lemon juice

Perahan Apply lemon juice on your pimple. Lemon is acidic and will be able to clean up and dry out pimples ,, making it seem sketchy. Let the lemon juice for at least fifteen minutes before you can rinse.

Fresh lemon juice is the best medicine, but the juice in the form of the bottle will be more effective. The lemon juice will make your skin berfotosensitive, so it would be better for you to stay at home during the day for use lemon juice in your nose.


A box of ice is another act fast treatment for pimple on your nose. Wrap a few pieces of ice or a piece of ice into a cloth and press to pimple for about twenty minutes. This way relieve inflammation and swelling, shrink the size of the pimple and make it invisible.

Tea tree oil

How to effectively ayang better, tea tree oil was clearing up pimple. Apply a few drops of oil on pimple affected area and wash off after approximately ten minutes or apply a cream or a moisturizer that contains tea tree oil. 5% tea tree oil content in the creamy enough to clear the bump on the nose of the day.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is not recommended diluted almost entirely to the skin unless you have a big pimple, blush, and bad. Urgent situations that require quick decisions aple cider vinegar can be a solution.

Give a drop of apple cider vinegar to bumps and wash after fifteen minutes. We remind you not to use this method as a permanent solution to your pimple. Use this method only once to reduce inflammation and swelling of the lump.


Might become popular and commonly used solution for stubborn pimple is toothpaste. Use white and not the kind of gel. Apply a small amount on a pimple and leave it overnight toothpaste. Wash with cold water the next morning. Your pimple will shrink nearly half of its original size. Silica in toothpaste dry out and shrink the pimple.

How to Get Rid of Pimple in Nose Overnight (Inside Nose) Source: