The Social Network Show
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Dr. Jane Karwoski (Dr. J) is an experimental psychologist. So what is she doing hosting a podcast?

As a researcher, she is painfully aware that much of the knowledge resulting from research fails to make any difference to anything and instead just gathers dust. In fact, getting research findings into practice is a huge problem in every field of study. Media, in this case podcasting, can increase the public awareness of new information and its ability affect human society.

Why podcast about social networks? The revolution in information and communication technology has connected people as never before. The significance of this revolution is as great as the dawn of the atomic age. It has fundamentally changed human society.

Dr. J interviews leaders in fields such as online privacy, security, and regulation; parenting and educating in the digital age; cyber abuse prevention; digital citizenship; as well as effective business marketing and branding. She seeks answers to the question, “What is the communication revolution doing for us, and to us, as human beings?”