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Culture, museums, art, history, and anything and everything, inside and outside Madrid. 

The People Will Talk Podcast

An Ybernia Podcast
Society & Culture
185 episodes / 17.3K listens
  1. Story/Time - Summer Son
  2. Story/Time - Gun Totin' Poetry Edition
  3. Story/Time - Rhythm
  4. Story / Time - Magnificent Mayhem
Season 1
  1. A review of the World Photo Press exhibition at COAM, Madrid
  2. A book review of 'Gestapo', by Frank McDonough
  3. Of snakes and men: African and Irish myths rediscovered
  4. Life is a game of two halves: thoughts on the refugee crisis
Season 2
  1. El Arpa Christmas special!
  2. Quiet on the set!: the era of the so-called 'silent' movies
  3. Uncertain nationality: a review of the Josef Koudelka exhibition at Fundacion Mapfre
  4. Learning from the best: cultural and educational initiatives in pre-war Spain
Season 3
  1. La vida por delante. La infancia en la calle: a photography exhibition at Museo Nacional Antropologia, Madrid
  2. Bruce Davidson's photography at Fundacion Mapfre, Madrid
  3. Political controversy isn't dead and buried
  4. A review of 'I, Daniel Blake': a Ken Loach film
Season 4
  1. Snapping up the moment: the Magnum contact sheets exhibition at Fundacion Canal, Madrid
  2. Snapping up the moment: the Magnum contact sheets exhibition at Fundacion Canal, Madrid
  3. Habla, pueblo, habla: an exhibition on the Spanish Transition to democracy
  4. Old stuff made new: archaeology and El Arpa's rebranding!