Discover You
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"Discover You" podcast addresses ways to face the challenges in the seven areas of human life (family, social, vocational, spiritual, financial, health, and educational), using those hardship experiences as a springboard to success.

"Discover You" podcast is founded by RCTV. RCTV is an organisation that helps individuals restore their identity, empowering them to take control of their life and to create a reality that is fulfilling. We strongly believe the gift of each individual creates an effective life which we aim to help the people discover by breaking the barrier which keeps them from seeing their gift. 

Discover You

Joel Benesha
53 episodes / 626 listens
Spirituality Discussion
  1. Episode 24 -Short Discussion: How to use our Time productively
  2. Episode 23 -Short Discussions: Self-Identity/Image
  3. Episode 22 - Spirituality Discussion Topic: Spiritual Mission!!!
W.T.W Model
  1. Episode 20 - "I GIVE MORE" (W.T.W Model pt3)
  2. Episode 19 - Door Of Salvation - "I AM MORE" (W.T.W Model pt2)
  3. Episode 18 -7 Areas of Well-[Human] Being (W.T.W Model pt1)
RCTV Introduction
  1. Episode 17- Open Arms (RCTV Introduction pt3)
  2. Episode 16 -Stop Existing and Start Living (RCTV Introduction pt2)
  3. Episode 15 -Vision of Reality Creation TV (RCTV Introduction pt1)
Act or React 4
  1. Episode 9 -The Overcoming (Act or React 4 pt3)
  2. Episode 8 -Shaped by Thoughts (Act or React 4 pt2)
  3. Episode 7- Changing the Meaning (Act or React 4 pt1)