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Wallis and Evanne's connection blossomed from the aftermath of our respective breakups, orchestrated by our ex-boyfriends. Bonding over a shared love for horror, we discovered a profound friendship. This passion led us to create the Terrify Her Podcast aimed at dissecting, analyzing, and reviewing our favourite horror films.

Armed with microphones and unfiltered enthusiasm, we have ventured into the world of horror, exploring classics, hidden gems, and contemporary masterpieces. Our goal is not just to entertain but to create a community for fellow horror enthusiasts.

Our friendship, strengthened by this shared devotion, drives us to uncover the brilliance behind terrifying frames. The Terrify Her Podcast stands as a testament to our friendship and the captivating power of horror to connect and illuminate the human spirit. Join us as we unlock the secrets of horror, navigating the unknown and sharing our love for the genre, forging an unbreakable bond with those who dare to listen.