Octaver Topics for Week 4 - Days 22-28

Oct 14, 2012, 09:34 PM

Octaver Week 4 Here are the following Octaver topics for days 22-28.

10/22. Share a song (if possible) that you know all or most of the lyrics to, perhaps the one you sing along with when no one is looking.

10/23. Is there a particular song or musical passage that never fails to move you emotionally? (Please share song/passage and explain how it makes you feel)

10/24. What genre of music did you listen to in high school? Have your musical tastes changed and if so how & why?

10/25. What moment/event in musical history do you remember most often? How did the event affect you?

10/26. If you could interview a band/musician (dead/alive) who would it be & why? What would you ask them?

10/27. How important is music in your daily life/activities? Perhaps share your top 5 songs that you can listen to over & over on a daily basis. Maybe you can share how often you listen to music during the day. How many hours? 5 hours? More? Do you listen to music more than watching the television?

10/28. Please share your musical dislikes. Ever try to listen to an artist or genre/style of music and you are just unable to tolerate it. Maybe share a few songs that drive you “up the wall” every time or any time you hear it played.

I know there are those members out there who would like to have free days in the thread of #Ocatver. Remember there are NO set rules (to my knowledge.) Be creative as you can be & have fun, right? Music is not restricted. My suggestion is to add any free and additional #Octaver audioboos as #OctaverBonus. It's a bonus because we are adding to the #Octaver thread. It's a bonus because we as listeners/followers get to learn more about the member posting/participating in Octaver. This is merely a suggestion and what I plan on doing. #octaver #roadmap #music #festivalofmusic #community