Peter Levy - Pennine namecheck

Episode 598,   Dec 03, 2012, 11:09 PM

This is not a jingles site. There are some excellent ones of those such as jinglemad. But I could not resist this.

Back in the day, we all had namecheck jingles. Actually, I had a whole 10 ½” spool full. Straight out the news, we rammed our name jingle in the cart machine, and hit the button hard. Then the station ident. Then the song. It was a mechanic, instinstive movement which burnt off huge bursts of energy.

My favourite namechecks for other presenters must be the early eighties JAM Radio One ones (Da da da dah... You know the one); and also these peculiar ones from Pennine in Bradford.

Steve Merike brought his own Pennine namecheck cut on cart as he moved from station to station. I loved its cascading strings and the sheer presence. How nice it was too, when I got hold of the whole package, to hear Peter Levy’s version. Now hugely successful on Look North on BBC TV, I know he still looks back fondly to his radio days; and he probably smiles when he hears this.