Tina Royles – Radio Interview – A daily row the secret to marital bliss?

Jan 31, 2013, 09:21 AM

Tina Royles is a leader in the field of domestic violence and relationship issues and was asked to comment on the story in the newspapers of a couple who are celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary who say that a daily row is the secret to marital bliss. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2258358/Couple-celebrating-70th-wedding-anniversary-reveal-secret-marital-bliss-daily-row.html

Tina Royles says that, although having a row every day is not the best way to sustain a relationship it is a positive step to have the freedom and ability to be able to clear the air and discuss issues.


This is a snippet from an interview with Tina Royles. To hear the full interview, please visit https://soundcloud.com/tina-royles/a-daily-row-the-secret-to-marital-bliss