Dessert Lionel Discs Episode Three: Pamela Buchan

Feb 11, 2013, 04:07 PM

Lionel is a VW campervan but inspired by the words and works of Carl Sagan, Lionel is The Spaceship of Our Imagination.

He likes to take people to the edge of the known universe but before they go, we like to chat to them about music, life and science while we share a delicious pudding.

This is Dessert Lionel Discs, Episode Three.

Pamela Buchan joins Andrew Glester for one last dessert before setting off to discover the Cosmos and to talk music, biological clocks and much more.

SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST VIA ITUNES HERE The podcast is also available on PODBEAN here

Show Notes

Pamela Buchan is Volunteering Development and Regional Officer (North of England) for the British Science Association and a trustee of Sea Changers

Pamela was talking to Andrew Glester, Director of Sound of Science and the Producer/Director of Polar

You see what Lionel had to say on his twitter account.