My dad's kilt went to China Episode 5 - Superman

Mar 31, 2013, 09:51 PM

I was lucky enough to go to China at the end of last year. and the experience (and sound recordings I made there) have been compiled into a short series of podcasts.

My insomnia meant that I noticed nothing was moving in Tianjin city in the early hours. I mean nothing. Traffic lights changing on their own .... because they can.

I found out the reasoning behind the English names that my Chinese colleagues adopted and that got me thinking about a Chinese name for me.Who would I choose?

The Tianjin part of my trip complete, I head for Beijing on a bullet train, that is faster than any train I have been on.

With the help of a total stranger, I have yet another KFC, visit a city mall and plan my Beijing meeting.

All sounds as before were recorded on my Samsung Galaxy S3.

My photo are here.

Coming soon - episode 6, Kidnapped!