The West Nile Bug Ditty

Apr 11, 2013, 03:20 AM

On the banks of Africa's Mighty river Nile-- TA mosquito bit a bird And contracted West Nile. (x2)

West Nile came into the States In 1999. NY,NY had the first case Crows dropped from the sky. (x2)

When the West Nile bug attacks Victims feel confused, May feel numb, have fever Or think they have the flu. (x2)

If the case is serious One could go blind or convulse And of course in the worst case Be left without a pulse. (x2)

A good doc can determine If West Nile's in your blood Though there's no cure for humans yet If you've got the West Nile crud. (x2)

So from the dawn unto the dusk Because your skin's so sweet You’d best prepare your best defense And spray yourself with Deet. And spray yourself with Deet!!!!!!