Windows 8.1 (Seriously Social News May 17th, 2013)

May 17, 2013, 09:36 PM

Good news for Windows 8 customers was revealed this week by Microsoft in that the next update will be coming out this year. The project codenamed "Windows Blue" has now been named as Windows 8.1 and will be launched as a public preview on the 26th June and launched publicly later this year. The good news is that this is a free upgrade and is part of Microsoft's plan to roll out more significant updates over the lifetime of the current operating system. It also seems that Microsoft have listened to the concerns about the new start screen- the Modern UI or metro interface as it is sometimes called. Much of the complaints have been that it is more difficult to get to the main desktop and the removal of the start menu that has been around since the days of Windows 95. Windows group chief marketing and financial officer Tami Reller told the Financial Times that "We feel good that we've listened and looked at all of the customer feedback. We are being principled, not stubborn". That could mean some radical changes, but does that mean Microsoft are retreating from the bold move that was the start screen? We'll just have to see!