Samsung 5G? (Seriously Social News May 17th, 2013)

May 17, 2013, 09:52 PM The marketing department of Electronics giant Samsung has been overdrive this week in the announcement of successful testing of 5G and promising this by the year 2020. However if you start to read into it in a little more detail you soon realise that the testing has only been very limited and there is still some way to go before they can offer reliable speeds of over 1Gbps. Even the use of the term "5G" is pure marketing fluff since it is unlikely that such a term will ever see the light of day. Currently there are many different types of so-called "3G" and "4G" round the world and 4G itself is supposed to get us up to the 1Gbps speed anyway. With LTE or 4G adoption uptake being very slow, certainly here in the UK due to a monopoly by mobile carrier EE and high costs, it's difficult to know how newer technologies will be adopted.