Tomorrow on the JVS Show - Do you have a problem with foie gras being served across Beds, Herts and Bucks? AUDIO: Kate Winslet narrates undercover footage of foie gras production for Peta.
Jul 09, 2013, 01:06 PM
The singer Morrissey has donated £10,000 to Peta's campaign against foie gras. JVS is taking your views on foie gras being served in the Three Counties.
On their website Peta say "Morrissey has put his money where his mouth is to combat the cruelty of foie gras – by donating £10,000 to PETA for a hard-hitting ad campaign that slams Fortnum & Mason for selling the vile product."
#peta #foiegras #morrissey #katewinslet #bbc