0285 Buddha Merchandising

Jul 22, 2013, 06:51 PM

So when it comes to the Buddha, what’s kosher and what’s not kosher regarding image placement? This question arises because of a recent flap over the image of Buddha on a toilet lid in a hotel in France. The “Knowing Buddha” website says that Buddha must sit on a shelf, the higher better. But there are many places the Buddha must not appear. Here, then, is a quick rundown of the protocol: Buddha’s face should not smile out from the pocket of your jeans or be on your shoes or on your underwear. He does not belong on a handkerchief or a towel or a napkin. He should not be tattooed on your body and especially not below the waist. Buddha is not a toy. He is not a piece of furniture. He is not an interior design element. He is not an action figure. Do not name your dog Buddha and do not name your bar or pub Buddha’s anything . In short: Do be a Buddha respecter. Don’t be a Buddha disser. #hacker #ceas