#BinAugust, one of my first quasi-binaural recordings from June 2003

Aug 01, 2013, 08:39 PM

Here is a recording I made in late June of 2003, using a Sony MZ-r700 minidisc recorder, VisiVox portable microphone preamp, and a pair of Radio Shack 33-3028 microphones (otherwise known as Audio Technica ATR35's) stuffed behind my ears, as I had no clips to mount them the way I liked. By default, these microphones came with a single tie-clip, with the microphones within less than two inches apart, yielding practically no stereo image at all. By taking them off of the clips and spreading the microphones far apart, I was able to realize a much more interesting recording technique by literally putting the microphones behind my ears, letting my head shape the sound. It isn't technically accurate, but it's a lot closer than some quasi-binaural methods. I just had to be careful, as there was nothing holding the mics in place other than the tips of my ears. This recording was made in my back yard, with some kids playing next door, and my dog running around. The image changes as I move. This recording isn't technically very exciting, but I am including it mainly for it's personal historic value to me.