"Not dying in death." BH explores why the psalms speak to people in extreme situations.

Aug 28, 2013, 12:39 PM

When Chris Huhne the disgraced former minister was in prison BH heard from another disgraced former minister Jonathan Aitken, who'd been exchanging letters with him. He also sent his book "Psalms for people under pressure" and Chris Huhne sent him a note saying "the psalms are marvellous." We've a follow-up on this from two more people who found solace in the psalter. Charles Hills is a writer who spent two and a half years in prison. Sophie Lambrechsten was five years old during the battle of Arnhem, which was fought in Dutch towns during the Second World War. She was hiding in the cellar of her house with her mother Kate der Horst and the rest of her family when the British paratroopers arrived.