FOOC - 25th anniversary programme

Episode 786,   Sep 22, 2013, 10:58 PM

At the Beeb, they call it FOOC. 'From Our Own Correspondent' might be seen as an old-fashioned title were it attached to a new programme now, but it's become normalised over the years, since its first edition in 1955. To this day, the programme delivers inspired insight into an ever more complicated World

This is radio doing what radio does best, storytelling. The BBC's skilled and often cautiously brave correspondents around the world share insight. They relate their stories in the way they might tell a friend, sometimes a personal perspective on what it's like being at the centre of a major news story, at other times just a delicious random insight into a world far away. Whichever essay it is, this programme makes great use of the BBC's staff deployed around the world to create genuinely thoughtful radio.

It's broadcast now, in different versions, on both Radio 4 and the World Service. This audio is an extract from a programme produced to mark FOOC's 25th anniversary.