0305 Korean Microcar

Oct 08, 2013, 07:52 PM

Tight urban parking spaces. Don’t they just make you wish for a car that could fold itself in half and then park itself? And they must have made the tech-savvy South Koreans wish for that, too, because a professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology has developed a car that does just that. The Armadillo-T is a micro electric car designed to fit into the tightest of tight spaces on city streets. It can travel 100 kilometers, about 62 miles, on a single charge at a speed of up to 37 miles per hour, though micro cars are not allowed on the roads since they don’t meet crash requirements. But when it comes to parking, the car does it all for you with the help of a Windows-based computer system: with the click of a smartphone the rear of the car folds up and over the front halving the length of vehicle to a mere 65 inches. Easy as pie. The trick is to remember to get out of the car first. #SouthKorea #Hacker #CEAS