Rejoice and Endure

Nov 13, 2013, 02:32 PM

Brief Audio on Luke 21: 5-19. The 26th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 28, Year C.

Our Christian life is more than a marathon; it can also be a treacherous obstacle course. Expect to be tripped. Expect to fall. Endurance means more than just chugging along. We must regularly pick ourselves up and get back in the race. For endurance we look not only to the cross, we look to the Resurrection. That’s because we know how this story ends… not in tragedy, but in triumph. That is the source of our strength, our hope, our joy. As Paul instructs us in Hebrews 12: Lets us run with perseverance…looking to Jesus…who endured the cross… so that you may not grow weary or lose heart. Thank you, Jesus. In your love we rejoice and endure.