Keep Awake!

Nov 28, 2013, 02:16 AM

Brief Audio Reflection on Matthew 24:36-44; The First Sunday of Advent, Year A.

Appropriately, on this first Sunday of our liturgical year, Jesus gives us a wake-up call. He knows we get distracted. He knows we get bored. He knows we are human. He is too. Every organ, every cell, every atom of his body is human. But he is also divine… the channel of God’s love for us. And before we can live in that love, we must be awake to it, open to it, actively seeking it, body, mind, soul and spirit.

On this First Sunday of Advent, we retrace our first stirrings of faith, our first commitment to Christ. We are reminded to keep awake… awake to the brevity of earthly life, awake to the promise of eternal life, awake to the love of God… not a bad resolution for Advent. Keep awake!