“Letter to a friend.” "Conference" (Part 2)

Jan 04, 2014, 10:12 AM

Hello listeners! I am Filiberto and this is the fourth episode of TeenVoicesOnline in high school "Gabino Barreda" in Mexico City. In the previous chapter Bob Stephens wrote a letter to Filiberto to clarify some things that were pending with reference to the conference. Today, in this episode I am going to read the letter which he wrote to Filiberto Sevilla to Bob Stephens Dear Bob Stephens. I write only to set the final details of our meeting next week at the conference. I am going to get there by train to take me from my city to yours. The train leaves at 7:30 am so I will be coming to your city at 10 am. Then I will get to the conference center in a taxi, do not worry, I have the address. If all goes well and it there are not delays, I will be coming in with the receptionist at 10:30 am to finally meet you. In case that there are problems, I leave my phone number, It is 55 22 41 88 83 to communicate more easily. I hope you are fine and we can meet soon. Filiberto Sevilla Well guys, with this letter, we ended the second part of this episode four I hope you have enjoyed, we will talk soon, a server and friend Filiberto Sevilla