Paul Martin's Business Update - January 9th

Jan 09, 2014, 04:14 PM

Paul Martin's Business Update - January 9th

On a per capita basis, Saskatchewan is probably the most successful trading jurisdiction on the planet. With a relatively small population or local consumer base – 1.1 million people now – and a highly productive economy we have no choice but to export because there’s no way we could consume everything we produce.

So when the export numbers come out, its big stuff and the latest figures released this week show we’ve pushed past the $30 billion mark again. But this time in 11 months so we’re on our way to another record.

And, given that we had a record crop in 2013 we’re likely to see significant strength in this category for a while yet. Further, our primary customers are starting to see economic improvement while our dollar is dropping – all factors that will encourage exports.

The US – our top customer – is now in recovery mode but, interestingly, of all the provinces we are probably the least reliant on the American market as many of our commodities are destined for the emerging markets of the Pacific Rim which also appear to be resurgent once more.

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