Mindful Moments at Dragonfly Cottage * February 2. 2014

Feb 03, 2014, 02:26 AM

The week Wilmington finally saw snow (and ice, and too much of it, and frozen and broken pipes, and no hot water, and dogs who didn't know how to go potty in snow, and a heat pump that gave up the ghost, and...); the harrowing tale of going out in my nightie to just drive through to get fast food (which I would like to make a point of saying I do not make it a practice of having too often) because I am agoraphobic and can't get out of the car... and then I sat to eat... and then the car wouldn't start... and I was marooned in a parking lot unable to get out. Let me just say that AAA will probably be talking about me for years to come. Sigh...