Labour Leader Stephen Cowan exposes the misleading information from Conservative H&F Council

Mar 02, 2014, 06:13 PM

"I still cannot believe how our hospitals are being robbed away from us. We are a highly populated borough, yet our schools, hospitals & local services are being taken away from us. Yet I am not hearing of any replacements, only that Fulham & Hammersmith land is being sold off to any bidder in order to build luxury flats? But what about us? The real people who live & work here? Taking hospitals & its services away, means that they are compromising our safety here, plus the knock on effects of unemployment for hospital workers & local businesses. This reeks of privatization of the NHS as a whole. Nasty business this! These people who are involved in these decisions have blood on their hands." starry knight

#LBHF #Hammersmith #Fulham

Council Meeting on the 26/02/2014 (Hammersmith Town Hall)