Eclectic Moirning Prayers 4 The Whole Family of God in Crisis

Mar 07, 2014, 09:34 AM

This Friday morning, march 7th, we are guided to break from the traditional Office of Lauds where our heart was guided to bring several sacred texts that may empower souls alienated from God to sense the power of Divine Selfless Love in action. Come and join us live every Midnight (GMT) on our Livetream Virtual TV/Internet channel where we gather as children of Gaia and our Holy Father Mother God/Dess unite in reflective prayer, meditation with sacred chants/music to raise the Earth’s vibration ~ One Collective Consciousness ♥ Joy Love Peace UNITy

Details about Brother Sean are available by visiting our website at If you who listen to our podcasts are already living a spiritual life, could we invite your heart 2 come and share your spiritual journey with us on Livestream?