A Reflection on 'Breaking The Family-Resistance Barrier'

Mar 07, 2014, 05:16 PM

How often have we heard,'The glass is either half empty or half full.' What does this mean to you? For many years I never did get this saying for to me is was saying the same thing but worded differently-that's until I had my personal spiritual breakthrough after several years of drifting in my valley of tears where all was bleak and where my heart was closed to my inner truth. Breaking through habits that so often drain us takes courage for it can imply taking a complete leap of faith or for the uninitiated -stepping out from one's comfort zone. As Light Bringer's of Peace, we need to be challenged to revisit our 'old ways' and see where we can delegate tasks that will free us up to make some 'Me Time.' Our me Time can be a walk in the park or just sitting quietly with God and allowing us experience the Blessings we have starved our hearts from seeing-touching-embracing a loving Supreme Deity called by many names but in essence, the One and the same Loving God/dess.Come and join us live every Midnight (GMT) on our Livetream Virtual TV/Internet channel where we gather as children of Gaia and our Holy Father Mother God/Dess unite in reflective prayer, meditation with sacred chants/music to raise the Earth’s vibration ~ One Collective Consciousness ♥ Joy Love Peace UNITy http://www.livestream.com/franciscansoulmates4peace

Details about Brother Sean are available by visiting our website at http://www.interfaithfranciscans.com http://www.celticfranciscanmonk.com http://barefootbrothersean.wordpress.com/